Global and specific unit organisation

  • Audits and diagnostics
  • Due diligence: Merger and Acquisition
  • Evaluation of organisations
  • Feasibility studies of projects and project management
  • Accounting, legal and tax assistance and specialist in contracts.

Management systems

  • Audits and diagnostics
  • Conception and implementation of management systems
  • logistics
  • human resources, accounting, financial and definition of key management information, etc.

Information systems

  • Audits
  • Master plan
  • selection of software etc.

Economics studies and the institutional environment

  • Elaboration of economic policies
  • sector policies; assessment of the Government and business relationship
  • Establish complex financial montage.

Human resources management and training

  • General appreciation of the labour legislation
  • Sector analysis
  • Organisation and management of personnel etc.

Management, evaluation and follow up of constructions site

Privatisation of major public enterprises of strategic multi-sectors

  • World Bank Guidelines and financing.